Laurie Harding, RN, MS
NH State Representative
Laurie Harding, MS RN has practiced nursing in numerous health care settings. She holds a master’s degree from Boston University in community health nursing. She has extensive care management experience which she obtained through her work with an area Visiting Nurse Association. Her teaching experience involves patients/clients, students, and staff.
She has also served in the New Hampshire legislature for five terms, most recently as the Vice Chair of the Health and Human Services committee where her policy interests include the challenges associated with aging in community. She chairs the Long Term Care subcommittee of the Health and Human Service Oversight committee as well as the Commission on the Primary Care Workforce.
She currently contracts with Armistead Caregiver Services, a non-medical home care agency, as a nurse consultant. She is also the Co-Director of the Upper Valley Community Nursing Project. Laurie serves her community as a member of the Granite United Way Women’s Leadership Council, as a member of the board of directors of Headrest, and as a member of the Advisory Council of the New Hampshire Endowment for Health.